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Monday, May 29, 2023

Random: Use A Portable Pot To Take Your Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Builds To The Next Level - Nintendo Life

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Cooking
Image: Nintendo Life

Just three weeks in, we are starting to get the feeling that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is one of those games that's going to keep blowing our minds for years to come. For example, we have just today seen that the Portable Pot (a Zonai device that we have stumbled across multiple times in our travels so far) can in fact be used as a handy tool in vehicle customisation.

We had assumed that the device is best used for cooking heart-boosting meals and ability-granting elixirs, but oh how naive we were. It turns out that by flipping the Zonai kit on its side, it perfectly replicates a ball and socket joint, lending your vehicle builds a handy amount of flexibility.

This little nugget of knowledge was shared to Reddit by OneRunNoita, who you can see putting the pot through its paces in the video below — though if you would rather avoid spoilers and see the effect for yourself, then maybe don't watch the following until you have tried it out.

As shown in the above demonstration, the "ball and socket" effect of the Zonai device can act as suspension over rocky ground, used for making tight turns or keeping wheels spinning with a level of flexibility — who knew?!

Most of us at Nintendo Life can only dream of having the building mastery required for making something really cool with this cooking pot creativity, but we sure are excited to see what others manage to do with it.

Have you managed to use the Portable Pot in this way yet? Let us know in the comments.

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Article From & Read More ( Random: Use A Portable Pot To Take Your Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Builds To The Next Level - Nintendo Life )

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