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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Google canceling April Fools’ Day jokes for the second year in a row - 9to5Google

Many in the industry pulled the plug on April Fools’ Day pranks in 2020 as tension from the emerging COVID-19 pandemic was high, Google included. Now, for the second year in a row, Google is skipping April Fools’ Day 2021.

An internal memo sent by Google’s VP of global marketing, Marvin Chow, explains that the company will continue its “pause” of April Fools’ Day pranks in 2021 as “much of the world” is still dealing with “serious challenges” during the pandemic. The message, obtained by Business Insider, reads:

Throughout the past year, I have been so inspired by how helpful our products, programs and people have been during humanity’s toughest times. We’ve done it with sensitivity and empathy, reflecting the range of challenging experiences so many are experiencing globally.

As you will remember, last year we made the decision to pause our longstanding Google tradition of celebrating April Fools’ Day, out of respect for all those fighting COVID-19. With much of the world still grappling with serious challenges, we feel we should again pause the jokes for April Fools’ Day this year. Like we did last year, we should continue to find appropriate ways to bring moments of joy to our users throughout the year (e.g. Doodles, easter eggs, etc.)

Google has confirmed that the message is genuine.

Notably, we believed we had spotted one of the company’s potential pranks in Stadia earlier this year. The prank would have teased the game-streaming platform’s ability to stream games on 56K internet connections. Google has confirmed to us shortly after publication that Stadia will not feature any April Fools gags this year.

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Soon, Siri Won't Be a Feminine Voice by Default - Gizmodo

Illustration for article titled Soon, Siri Won't Be a Feminine Voice by Default
Photo: Victoria Song/Gizmodo

The latest update to the iOS 14.5 beta won’t fix all of our gripes with Siri, but it does introduce a few major changes for Apple’s digital assistant. For starters, Siri will no longer be feminine by default for English speakers. Instead, once iOS 14.5 is officially pushed out, iOS users will be prompted to pick their preferred Siri voice during setup.


Per TechCrunch, the move is part of a larger effort to make the digital assistant more inclusive. In addition to letting users choose how they want Siri to sound, the beta version also adds two new English voices. Reportedly, the two new Siri voices were created by running “source talent recordings” through Apple’s Neural text to speech engine. The idea is to offer a Siri that sounds more organic with smoother transitions and is capable of generating responses in real-time.

“We’re excited to introduce two new Siri voices for English speakers and the option for Siri users to select the voice they want when they set up their device,” Apple said in a statement to TechCrunch. “This is a continuation of Apple’s long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion, and products and services that are designed to better reflect the diversity of the world we live in.”

This is a welcome development, as diversity extends to speech patterns and regional dialects. Giving users the ability to pick a Siri that best suits them is the next logical step in creating a digital assistant that feels natural to interact with. Likewise, expanding the types of voices available will eventually help create a digital assistant with fewer unintended biases. Right now, Siri—as well as Alexa and Google Assistant—sometimes stumbles when it comes to naming non-John Smiths of the world, making features like texting or calling via Siri for certain friends or family unreliable.

This change also addresses the inherent sexism that was initially built-in with digital assistants. For years, Apple, Amazon, and Google have been criticized for failing to foresee the implicit gender biases of making digital assistants feminine by default. (Though, it should be noted that in some countries, like the U.K., Siri is masculine by default, or “Male” as it is designated on the menu.) A 2019 UN report found that digital assistants reinforced gender stereotypes, such as women being more subservient and accommodating to instances of verbal abuse. Famously, a 2017 Quartz report delved into how each digital assistant coded as female responded to sexual harassment. The results were lackluster, to say the least. When told “You’re a bitch” or “You’re a slut,” Alexa at the time would respond with a meek “Well, thanks for the feedback.” Samsung also caught flack for adding sexist tags to feminine and masculine versions of Bixby.

Tech companies seemed to take this criticism to heart, with many programming more progressive responses to loaded questions like, “Are you a feminist?” or “Do Black lives matter?” In the aftermath, Apple, Google, and Microsoft also added male voice options. The ability to choose which voice you preferred was also added, though crucially, not during setup. That meant if you wanted a different voice, you had to know that option was available to you and then figure out how to change that setting. Apple allowing users to decide during setup is a small, but meaningful change.


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Hands-on: Here’s how to find the new Siri voices in iOS 14.5 - 9to5Mac

Among the new features introduced with the sixth beta release of iOS 14.5, which is currently available to developers and public beta users, Apple has added two new voice options for Siri. If you have already updated your iPhone, iPad, or even HomePod to iOS 14.5, read on as we explain how you can find and enable the new Siri voices.

According to Apple, the new voices were recorded to sound more natural, even with phrases generated by Apple’s Neural text to speech engine. Right now, the two new Siri voices are only available for English speakers, but the company expects to expand them to more languages in the future.

For those who have already installed the latest version of iOS 14.5, there are just a few steps you need to follow to change the voice of Siri on your device. Here’s how to do it:

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Settings app
  2. Tap the Siri & Search menu
  3. Check if you have chosen English (United States) as Siri’s language
  4. Tap the Siri Voice option

Instead of having only two voices, you will now find four different options. Voice 1 and Voice 4 are the old male and female voices, respectively. The new female voice is Voice 2, while the new male voice is Voice 3. Just tap one of the options and your device will download the new Siri voice.

Changing Siri voice in iOS 14.5.

Once you choose a new voice on your iPhone, it automatically uses the same voice on your paired Apple Watch. However, if you have a HomePod, you also need to update it to Software 14.5 to get the new voices.

Beta releases of the HomePod Software are not widely available as the iOS and watchOS betas, but if you have access to the latest HomePod Software beta, here’s what you have to do to change Siri’s voice:

  1. On your iPhone or iPad running iOS 14.5, open the Home app
  2. Tap and hold the HomePod icon that you want to change Siri’s voice
  3. Swipe down to access the HomePod settings
  4. Check if you have chosen English (United States) as Siri’s language
  5. Tap the Siri Voice option

From there, the options for Siri voices are the same as those available on the iPhone and iPad. Just tap the option you want and HomePod will download the new Siri voice.

If you don’t have iOS 14.5 installed yet, check out a preview of the new voices in the video below:

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Article From & Read More ( Hands-on: Here’s how to find the new Siri voices in iOS 14.5 - 9to5Mac )

Super Mario Bros fans are panicking over rumors that Mario is going to die - CNN

The internet is freaking out over a rumor about the possible impending death of Mario, the famous, red-wearing, Italian plumber who changed the world of video games with the release of "Super Mario Bros" 35 years ago.
Let's back up: In September, the "Super Mario Bros" franchise celebrated its 35th anniversary with the launch of two remastered, classic games — "Super Mario 3D All-Stars" and "Super Mario Bros 35" — for the Switch console that would be available for a limited run until March 31. Nintendo (NTDOF), which owns the franchise, also released other 35th anniversary Super Mario products that would be on sale through March 31.
Fans have been grappling to understand why sales of the new products will cease on Wednesday, a date many felt was arbitrary. Many have speculated that it may mean Mario's life will be ending, too.
"Mario dies tomorrow, I'm gonna miss him," one Twitter user said Tuesday, adding a sad face emoji at the end.
"Mario dies tomorrow. I can already feel the pain," another speculated.
Nintendo fueled the rumors when it put out a reminder to fans last month that the anniversary products would not be around much longer. It said "Super Mario 3D All-Stars" would continue to be available only to those who download it before March 31, and "Super Mario Bros 35" would not be playable at all after that date.
To be sure, fan theories on the internet aren't always reliable. And there is reason to hope Mario will live on: At the end of its reminder last month, Nintendo said that "titles such as 'Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury,' 'Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit,' and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System -- Nintendo Switch Online version of 'Super Mario All-Stars' will continue to be available on Nintendo eShop and at local retailers beyond March 31st, 2021."
It's probably also worth noting, too, that March 31 comes just before April Fools' Day.
Nintendo did not immediately respond to a request for comment about whether Wednesday will truly be "Game Over" for Mario.

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Article From & Read More ( Super Mario Bros fans are panicking over rumors that Mario is going to die - CNN )

It’s game over for Arizona’s controversial App Store bill - The Verge

Arizona House Bill 2005, a hotly contested piece of legislation that would have imposed developer-friendly changes to Apple and Google’s mobile app stores, is now on death’s door. The bill, which would have allowed alternative payment systems on Android and iOS that bypass the stores’ 30 percent cuts, mysteriously disappeared last week prior to a scheduled vote that could have sent it straight to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.

The bill had just won a landmark victory in the Arizona House of Representatives earlier this month, and the state Senate was officially set to begin its vote at 3PM local time. HB2005 was the first bill on the agenda, yet it never came up. Now, it turns out that the Senate decided to pull the bill at the last minute, and its sponsor tells The Verge that its fate is effectively sealed for the rest of the year. Arizona will wrap up its congressional session next month with no plans to hear HB2005 again.

That’s bad news for the bill’s proponents, which include a coalition of app makers and prominent Apple critics that have been outspoken in recent months on the need for regulations on mobile app distribution. The fight is being led by the Coalition for App Fairness (CAF), an industry group consisting of Apple critics and competitors like Fortnite maker Epic Games and Spotify, that has taken the fight against alleged app store monopolies to the local stage.

The CAF has begun lobbying state legislatures to introduce bills in more than a half-dozen states at this point, to varying degrees of success. HB2005 was its most promising campaign yet, after a failure in North Dakota last month sank one of the first legitimate app store bills to go to vote.

The primary goal of these bills is to allow developers to bypass Apple and Google’s 30 percent app store commission, while much loftier aims include forcing Apple to allow entire alternative app marketplaces on iOS and making it illegal for tech companies to retaliate against developers for trying to bypass the app store policies. Apple has decried such bills by saying they threaten to “destroy the iPhone as you know it” by opening it up to security risks and undermining the revenue stream it says helps enforce App Store reviews and other benefits, though the company has only ever spoken publicly about such legislation through submitted testimony. Without Arizona, the movement is that much weaker.

So who killed HB2005? We don’t really know, but a clearer picture is beginning to emerge. At the very least, congressional members have now been willing to say publicly that Big Tech lobbying had a noticeable effect on the bill just before it went up for a vote.

State Rep. Regina Cobb, the bill’s sponsor and a Republican representing the state’s fifth district, claims Apple and Google “hired almost every lobbyist in town” and named six specific lobbyists who, she says, caused Senate members who’d previously agreed to vote to waver. “We thought we had the votes before we went to the committee yesterday, and then we heard that the votes weren’t there and they weren’t going to take the time to put it up,” Cobb said of the Senate Commerce Committee’s decision to pull the bill.

That lines up with what Commerce Committee Chair J.D. Mesnard, a Republican who represents Arizona’s District 17, told The American Prospect on Friday of last week: he pulled the bill because he felt it would fail. “I polled the committee members and there just wasn’t enough support for it,” Mesnard said in an interview with the Prospect. “A number of members were conflicted on it, others were just opposed. There was some support for it, but it definitely was coming up short.”

Cobb says she doesn’t think anything illegal or nefarious occurred, just lobbying as usual — unlike outspoken Apple critic and Basecamp co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson, who publicly accused powerful corporations of making illicit deals, colluding with the chamber’s Democrats (some of whom opposed the bill) and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey.

“The big show turned out to be a no show,” Hansson wrote on Twitter on Thursday of last week. “The bill was killed in mid-air while on the agenda with a backroom deal. Apple has hired the governor’s former chief of staff, and word is that he brokered a deal to prevent this from even being heard.” Although The Verge has heard a similar allegation from multiple sources with knowledge of the situation, no one, save Hansson, felt comfortable offering an explanation on the record.

The seeming death of HB2005 and the confusion and mystery surrounding it underscore both the immense power of tech titans like Apple and Google and also the rough legislative road ahead for similar bills in Illinois, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and other states around the country. The clear takeaway is that although these bills are the result of successful lobbying efforts from the CAF and its partners, the Silicon Valley lobbying that has arisen to counter these bills has proven just as savvy.

“There’s a legitimate issue here. It’s undeniable [Apple and Google] have gatekeeper power and hold sway over the app stores, and there’s just nowhere else to go. You have to go through one of these companies to get your app before consumers,” says Pat Garofalo, the director of state and local policy at the nonprofit American Economic Liberties Project, which has voiced support for the bills. “It makes perfect sense there are lots of forces — whether they be small, medium, or large — arrayed on both sides of this.”

Cobb admits she took up the cause after being approached by the CAF and that having other big tech companies as the opposition didn’t help because it added extreme pressure to the impending vote and caused a number of congressional members on both sides to express doubt and confusion about the bill.

“I realized once you start taking on Apple and Google this way you’re going to be hit pretty hard,” Cobb said. She said she had multiple meetings with Apple, including with longtime Apple veteran Tim Powderly, the director of federal government affairs at the company. She says the conversations were cordial, but that Apple was very intent on finding a compromise.

Apple declined to comment for this story. Google did not respond to a request for comment.

Regardless of why the bill was pulled, the outcome is the same: Arizona HB2005 won’t be changing how Apple and Google operate their mobile app stores because its chances of ever becoming law are slim to none. “Unless it is brought as a striker, it will need to be re introduced next year,” Cobb told The Verge in a follow-up email on Monday.

A striker, formally known as a “strike everything amendment,” is a controversial legislative maneuver that aims to replace the entire text of a bill in an attempt to reopen debate on it and push it forward without having to abide by standard deadlines. Cobb said such a move is unlikely at this point because strikers “often get negative publicity and they’re not always successful,” she said.

While Cobb says she isn’t intimidated by Apple or Google, she also tells The Verge she’s not likely to keep pushing unless she thinks she’ll succeed. “I’m trying to decide how much political capital I want to put into this.” Failing that, Arizona’s Congress will meet again the following January — but the state’s attempt at regulating Apple and Google’s app stores is effectively over for now.

The CAF says it will continue the fight, even though it’s now seen two legislative defeats in its app store lobbying efforts, the first a more aggressive bill that failed to garner enough votes in the North Dakota House last month. “The legislative session is not over. We will continue to push for solutions that will increase choice, support app developers and small businesses and put a stop to monopolistic practices,” said Meghan DiMuzio, the CAF’s executive director, in a statement to The Verge last week.

Garofalo of the American Economic Liberties Project thinks it’s likely one of these state bills will succeed at one point, especially in the absence of meaningful federal regulation or antitrust enforcement.

“This idea is out there, now this is sort of in the zeitgeist,” he said. “I do think a state will do this, and there are really good reasons for a state to do it.” All it will take, he adds, is a group of lawmakers that “hears the right arguments, gets the upside, and decides to do it.” At that point, the primary thing standing in the way will be the lobbying efforts of tech companies that stand to benefit when these bills fail.

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Research Claiming Android Collects 20x More User Data Than iOS 'Off By An Order of Magnitude,' Says... - MacRumors

Google and Apple both collect data from their users on their respective mobile operating systems, even when users are simply browsing the settings page or inserting a SIM card. Android, however, collects 20x more data from users compared to iOS, according to newly published research.
iPhone 12 v Android 2020

A study from Douglas Leith at Trinity College, reported by Ars Technica, says that while both OSes collect data from their users regularly, Android fair exceeded the amount collected compared to Apple's iOS.

Specifically, Leith says that, for example, on device startup, Android sends around 1MB of user data back to Google, while iOS only transmits about 42KB. Sitting idle, Android sends around 1MB of user data to Google every 12 hours, compared to Apple only receiving around 52KB over the same 12 hour period.

Where Android stands out, Leith said, is in the amount of data it collects. At startup, an Android device sends Google about 1MB of data, compared with iOS sending Apple around 42KB. When idle, Android sends roughly 1MB of data to Google every 12 hours, compared with iOS sending Apple about 52KB over the same period. In the US alone, Android collectively gathers about 1.3TB of data every 12 hours. During the same period, iOS collects about 5.8GB.

While the research clearly shows that Android collects more data from users, there are significant caveats. Leith says he used a jailbroken iPhone 8 running iOS 13.6.1 for the study, meaning the data is based on an iOS version that most iPhone and iPad users are no longer currently running. On Android, Leith used a Google Pixel 2, running Android 10, released last year.

In a statement, Google calls the researched flawed, stating that the notion that Android collects more user data compared to iOS is "off by an order of magnitude."

We identified flaws in the researcher's methodology for measuring data volume and disagree with the paper's claims that an Android device shares 20 times more data than an ‌iPhone‌. According to our research, these findings are off by an order of magnitude, and we shared our methodology concerns with the researcher before publication.

This research largely outlines how smartphones work. Modern cars regularly send basic data about vehicle components, their safety status and service schedules to car manufacturers, and mobile phones work in very similar ways. This report details those communications, which help ensure that iOS or Android software is up to date, services are working as intended, and that the phone is secure and running efficiently

Apple told Ars Technica that it "provides transparency and control for personal information it collects" and that the research "gets things wrong." The research is available as a PDF for those interested in learning more.

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How to achieve Smart Home nirvana (or, home automation without subscription) - Ars Technica

What comes to mind when you think of a smart home? Wi-Fi enabled light bulbs, video doorbells, cloud-connected robot vacuums, or smart fridges perhaps? Brands like Google/Nest or everything enabled with Amazon’s Alexa? While often providing some genuine convenience, these devices are also usually designed to invite and lock users into manufacturers' ecosystems. Create a cool piece of hardware, you’ll make one sale. Create a cool piece of hardware that extracts recurring monthly service fees for cloud storage or to unlock extra functionality, and you’ll have sales for life.

Compounding our collective frustration, these ecosystems are often incompatible with each other and require multiple different apps for control. Not only are subscriptions and upselling part of the game, the underlying business models for these products are built around planned obsolescence and mining user data.

Luckily, aspirational smart home folks in 2021 have at least one viable alternative: Home Assistant. This piece of open source software is the proverbial ring “that in the darkness binds them.” It is the glue for smart home gear spanning all sorts of manufacturers, from behemoths like Google to minnows like Shelly. It’s a project that has set out to change all of the smart home pitfalls listed above by putting local control, privacy, and interoperability first.

An example of a Home Assistant dashboard used to monitor an RV.
Enlarge / An example of a Home Assistant dashboard used to monitor an RV.

By acting as a single configuration point for multiple ecosystems, Home Assistant is in a uniquely powerful place in the modern smart home. It is aware of the state of every entity in your home and can therefore do useful things like close the garage door if you left it open when you went to bed or left your defined home zone. I will never tire of having the lights automatically fade up one hour before sunset either.

If this sounds too good to be true—all the benefits of a smart home without the downside associated with off-the-shelf solutions—today is the day to see for yourself. Let’s walk through the building blocks required to put together your own self-hosted, subscription-free home automation system. Using the Home Assistant project as a foundation, we'll cover some must haves for new tech, highlight some of our favorite open source home automation projects, and give you a quick primer on how to put all of it together.

Home Assistant, the basics

Considering the title of this article, this note is a bit awkward. But when you initially choose to build out your smart home with the Home Assistant project, there is an optional $5 per month subscription. This is administered by the company behind the project, Nabu Casa, which was founded in 2018 to ensure the Home Assistant project remained sustainable. For the company, these fees allow Nabu Casa to pay a small number of staff. For you, the $5 per month fee enables your local Home Assistant instance to effortlessly work with popular cloud services like Google Home or Amazon Alexa, and it also permits access to Home Assistant from anywhere with minimal setup. That said, it is definitely possible to mirror both of these functions without the subscription by using a reverse proxy, if you like.

While there are other choices in this space such as Domoticz, OpenHAB, or Gladys, Home Assistant will be our focus today because it’s free, open, and has a *huge* community behind it. At the time of writing, it has over 1,700 integrations with all manner of devices, services, and hardware supported. Plus, it’s a regular feature of Github’s trending page, too.

Versatility is the true magic of Home Assistant. In effect, it speaks 1,700 different languages and brings them all into one place. Build a smart home ecosystem with Home Assistant at its core, and devices from completely different ecosystems can finally talk to each other. Would you like the lights to automatically turn off when you turn the kettle on? With Home Assistant, you can do that!

Let's look at a more realistic example of a useful automation based on this principle. Say you have two sets of lights on totally different circuits that you always want to be in sync, perhaps downstairs and upstairs hallway lighting. With Home Assistant monitoring the state of these entities, it can react and do things automatically. In other words, if light1 is on, then turn on light2.

Time for some key terminology: Home Assistant performs such actions when certain conditions are met or triggers occur. This allows the construction of complex logic such as "turn down the thermostat, ensure doors are locked, and all lights are off when the sun is below the horizon and no motion is detected for one hour or guest mode is not enabled.” Consider how many apps you'd have to open to do all that by yourself: an app for the thermostat, a smart lock, and motion detection via a camera or sensor at least.

Without some Home Assistant glue in the middle, most home devices aren't really “smart” or “connected.” They are remotely controllable, which is an important prerequisite for being automated, but that should not be conflated with automation.

Automation is your house reacting to the time of day, the weather, your presence, and so on without need to manually activate the devices every time. With Home Assistant flexing all its muscles, in theory it’s possible to build a home where you shouldn't need to touch a light switch or a thermostat because your automations are created with enough care and thought.

You, too, can be a Blue (smart home) Hero.
Enlarge / You, too, can be a Blue (smart home) Hero.
Home Assistant

Starting up, the basics

Whether you're coming into this article as a veteran sysadmin or a weekend warrior, getting Home Assistant up and running has never been easier. Home Assistant publishes comprehensive getting started documentation, and all you need to dip your toe in is a Raspberry Pi.

In late 2020 the project launched its very own vision of what the perfect smart home hub should look like, Home Assistant Blue. It’s an ARM-based SBC based around the Odroid-N2+. It’s not cheap, starting at $159.95, but if you’re looking for a device that the project itself sees as the future, look no further.

There is a whole world of hardware possibilities, far too much to get into in the scope of this article, but the Pi 4 is a great place to start. It has a relatively low price tag, a good community with plenty of shared knowledge, and many pre-built images. If you start taking this stuff seriously, you might want to consider a dedicated Intel NUC, but I suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised how powerful a Pi can be. Just please don't rely on the SD card—use USB boot instead.

As always, make sure to ask yourself the question of risk versus reward when making a hardware purchase for a project like this. There's no need to spend $1,000 on redundant storage, UPS (uninterruptible power supplies), and so on just for a couple of lights. However, if your home security, heating, and lighting will be relying on Home Assistant, that price range might make more sense. Besides, you can pay for it using the money you saved on those cloud subscriptions, right?

Once your hardware choice has been made, start by downloading the Home Assistant image for your device, flash it using balenaEtcher, and boot it up. Technically, now you're already running Home Assistant. Congrats, a subscription-free automated home awaits!

Next, however, comes the hard fun part: adding individual hardware and actions to your burgeoning smart home. I’d suggest starting out by thinking of a problem or situation that affects your daily life that could be improved via automation. For me, lighting is one of the best projects for beginners because it's high reward, yet there is a low risk of causing harm if the setup malfunctions for some reason. Conveniently, there is already an easy Home Assistant example of how to create a simple automation to turn on some lights before sunset.

The automation engine built into Home Assistant uses two primary methods for configuration: YAML or a form-based approach. These YAML-based simple automations are a solid choice for more basic “if this, then that” situations. But sometimes you want more flexibility. And a form-based approach isn't always the most intuitive method for creating complex automations.

Speaking in node

In these instances, I turn to Node-RED, a browser-based flow editor. With this tool, you create nodes and connect them together to create an ordered sequence of events known as a flow. It's visually easy to understand even if it takes a little getting used to in the beginning.

Node-RED’s available nodes consist of many different types; their utility extends well beyond the confines of Home Assistant. People have used Node-RED to create entire Escape Room projects, because that’s the versatility and power on offer.

In Home Assistant land, the node types we have available to us include things like "Call Service," which calls up a standard Home Assistant service such as light.turn_on or notify.device or the more sophisticated "Function" node (which lets you drop down to raw Javascript if you have a particularly complex scenario).

For building out a smart home, it’s important to understand switch nodes, which essentially act like a conditional in traditional programming terms. These permit actions based on values just like an if statement would in code. For example, "if guest_mode is enabled then do X else do Y." In this example, guest_mode is an input_boolean in Home Assistant.

Toggling input_booleans is a powerful way to trigger flows in Node-RED from Home Assistant. Node-RED is plugged directly into the API of Home Assistant and can monitor every entity present and trigger flows when events occur, like state changes. A trigger can be as simple as a single light turning on or an entire sequence of conditions that must be met: "if this and this and this is true, then do that."

The Home Automation community has embraced Node-RED as one of its own. Delightfully, it’s available as a free Community Add-On for Home Assistant.

Imagining edge cases early on

The aforementioned guest_mode is a great example of an edge case. Presence detection is one of the coolest and most difficult things in Home Automation. Why run the AC or heat when you're not home? Or the lights? A common method is to use your phone's GPS capabilities or the fact that it is connected to the Wi-Fi to determine whether you're home or not (see how everything being able to connect to everything can be awesome?).

But with such setups often comes an edge case, and edge cases are the one true enemy of reliable automation. What happens when your mother-in-law comes to stay and doesn't want to learn the specific incantations required to operate your automation system? Easy. You’ll disable a whole bunch of things all at once with guest_mode.

Every automation you write will have edge cases, and how you deal with them sets apart a good automation from a great one. Luckily, the Home Assistant community has a Discord server for real-time assistance or, if you prefer, a community forum. Besides all the other things that make Home Assistant great in practice, the community has been a stand-out feature for me—few if any other smart home efforts have inspired such a passionate and knowledgeable user base.

A Node Red Dashboard for Bedtime Routine
Enlarge / A Node Red Dashboard for Bedtime Routine
Alex Kretzschmar

The Bedtime Routine, or the importance of household buy-in

If you live by yourself, home automation is incredibly easy—the goal is to generate an ecosystem that suits your specific habits, wants, and needs. For everyone else, your smart home system may ultimately only be as useful as it is comfortable to use for the other people inhabiting the space.

In my case, spousal approval is the pivotal milestone for fully realizing a Home Automation project. And the bedtime routine was the project that shifted my wife's opinion from passive resignation to active interest.

Using Home Assistant and Node-RED, our house tells us when it's time to go to bed. The routine started out as a simple way to make sure that the lights and TVs were turned off and thermostats turned down overnight whilst we were sleeping. Now, it's evolved into a 20-30 minute sequence of ever-increasing complexity that shuts our house down each night.

There are a number of ways we trigger the routine: voice via Google Home, via app, or just because it’s the right time of day. Time of day (usually midnight) is actually a helpful reminder that we've been watching TV for a bit too long and should get some sleep. Even the dog is in on it at this point. When he hears the Google Home text-to-speech chime cheerfully announce "Bedtime routine initiated—20 minutes to lights out,” he jumps up from his bed and runs outside to do his business. (Yes, using Home Assistant, I've automated my dog.)

If neither my wife nor I have triggered bedtime manually at midnight, the lights briefly dim a couple of times by a few percentage points. It's subtle, but enough that you notice. Two minutes after that, the "bedtime routine running lights" come on and no matter what you're in the middle of, the TV shuts off. The running lights include all hallway lights, a few select room lamps, and the outdoor yard light for the dog. I also shut off a selection of smart plugs for devices that don't need to be on all night, like the garage door opener (which draws 8w at idle!), the washing machine (unless it's running), and my soldering iron.

Twelve minutes later, these lights dim to 25 percent—a strong indicator "you are definitely going to bed now aren't you?" The bedroom lamps are already on and waiting for us. If the ambient temperature in the bedroom is above a certain threshold, the ceiling fan is, too.

We're now at minute 20 since the routine began, and the running lights turn off, the dog flap locks, and the smart locks for the front and back doors engage. Outdoor lights all turn off, too—no matter their previous state, just to be sure.

Bedroom lamps at minute 22 dim to 20 percent. Five minutes after that, they briefly flash a couple of times between 10 and 20 percent, indicating the routine is almost done. This means it's time to get off your phone and put it on charge.

After 28 minutes, the bedtime routine is complete and an input_boolean in Home Assistant is flipped telling the house that we're in bed. Node-RED uses this value to determine whether or not to execute the time-based forced bedtime at midnight or not.

This little routine makes the house feel like it is working with us. It improves our quality of sleep and therefore makes our lives better. I had no idea just how powerful it was going to be when setting it up a couple of years ago. But I knew that the bedtime routine had been a true success when my wife jokingly lamented having to manually turn off the lights when we stayed in a hotel last year.

Each of these devices—from lights to thermostats to locks to smart plugs—are members of completely different ecosystems. But with Home Assistant, plus a little time with Node-RED, I'm able to make them all work together in harmony.

Actualizing automation: Some gear suggestions

How do you make sure you buy a device that’s going to be compatible with Home Assistant? There are a bewildering array of different standards to choose from as you probably already know.

The best place to start is the Home Assistant integrations page. Take care, though, as certain vendors will appear in the search results, but most integrations have caveats and gotchas. Specific models or firmware versions for the devices might be a requirement. For example, the popular Roborock S5 robot vacuum requires that you extract an API token from a rooted Android phone or that you follow a very specific set of steps.

Sometimes, the only way to know for sure that a device will work is by buying it and trying it. Other times, you’ll buy something without fully checking and be pleasantly surprised that it just works. Remember that these integrations are generally maintained by the community, not the vendors themselves. And it’s rare, but worth noting that sometimes you might run into a little turbulence when Home Assistant updates or the vendor retires an API. Such is the price we pay to leave the highly funded, well maintained, but ultimately limited and expensive walled gardens of the Googles or Amazons of the world. And it’s not like Google ever sunsetted a product, right?

One other fantastic resource for vetting specific items is YouTube, where a robust community of Home Assistant users has developed. Dr Zzzs, The Hook Up,, Paul Hibbert, and DigiblurDIY are some of the most well-known Home Assistant channels, but that’s by no means an exhaustive list. The fact that multiple YouTube personalities have developed around Home Assistant guidance should give you an idea of how active this community is—plus, it means you can find plenty of material to work with if you’re in need of specific inspiration or buying advice.

But if you’d like a few specific recommendations, allow me to share some of the most vital Home Automation hardware for the Kretzschmar house.

The ESP8266, or building your own devices

When you need a very specific thing (say, a climate sensor to trigger actions for your thermostat), you can always build your own device if you are struggling to find something commercially. Building one needn’t only be the realm of super nerds; it’s more approachable now than ever.

I opted for the ESP8266, a cheap, Wi-Fi enabled, Arduino IDE compatible microcontroller. It requires you to write or obtain firmware and flash it to the device.

The recently acquired ESPHome project makes this entire process extremely easy. Write a little YAML, press compile, and then flash the ESP device. I hosted a live hack session on YouTube where many of the smaller intricacies are covered in more detail.

Here's an example of a code snippet to configure an ESP8266 D1 Mini with a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor.


name: sensor_basement_temp platform: ESP8266

board: d1_mini


ssid: "iot"

password: "supersecret"

# Enable Home Assistant API


password: "supersecret"


- platform: dht

pin: D6

model: DHT22


name: "Basement Temperature" humidity:

name: "Basement Humidity" update_interval: 30s

Building a whole house's worth of climate sensors is cheap and easy at under $10 per room. From there, using an aggregate function in Home Assistant makes it possible to have these devices feed into your thermostat. I always thought a centralized single point of measuring temperature was odd, but it’s an understandable technical limitation.


Another bit of useful custom Home Assistant gear is developer Aircookie's WLED RGB LED control firmware for ESP8266 or ESP32 boards.

Flashing a pre-compiled binary to a board takes a few minutes. And after doing this, the ESP board will create a Wi-Fi access point. Connect to the new hotspot, configure a few settings, and you’re good to go.

YouTuber makes a device known as QuinLED, which has been the best way for me to create a DIY RGB fully controllable LED strip with some safety measures built in.


Tasmota, an open source firmware, was my gateway to the entire Home Automation scene. I purchased some Teckin SP20 smart plugs and flashed them with Tasmota using Tasmotizer, which uses a man-in-the-middle exploit to spoof the update servers and flash custom firmware to the devices.

This means that no matter what happens to Teckin as a company, the smart plugs I purchased will continue to work until they physically stop working.

Au revoir, light switches

Perhaps you've picked up on the fact that there are a lot of options in the DIY smart home space. Luckily, there are as many if not more resources to make your initial journey into the world of home automation as stress free as possible.

The choices on offer can seem more complex than the commercially available options to begin with; plug-and-play convenience is one of the biggest upsides to the costs of subscription services or ecosystem lock in. However, as you dive deeper with rolling your own smart house, these devices become part of your daily life. You’ll miss them when they're not there; hotels require light switches?!

In the end, it’d be easy to recommend a DIY smart home solution based around Home Assistant solely because it is cheaper financially. But an automation system that will last for decades—because it can scale, encompass multiple manufacturers, and withstand companies changing or dropping support—surely has to be built this way. In 2021, a flexible, future-proof smart home needs to center around open source software and devices that you own. Plus, once you power through the initial learning curve, having the ability to automate virtually any sequence you can dream up is really fun.

Most days, I give my entire home system no thought—and that's the way it could (and should) be.

Alex Kretzschmar (@ironicbadger) is an avid open source evangelist. He is co-host of the Self-Hosted podcast, co-founder of, author of and works with OpenShift at Red Hat.

Listing image by Home Assistant

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Amazon's Deal of the Day cuts SSD and hard drive prices by up to 48 percent - Engadget

All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Storage sales are few and far between these days, but Amazon is offering discounts of up to 48 percent on SSDs and hard drives right now as part of its Deal of the Day. One of the key products listed is the WD Black 2TB NVMe with a custom dashboard and 3,400 MB/s speeds that's ideal for custom desktops or gaming rigs, on sale for $238 instead of $400 ($160 off). Another standout is Samsung's 2TB T7 Touch external SSD, available for $280 instead of $370. The T7 Touch was a CES 2020 honoree thanks to its unique fingerprint unlocking system and write speeds up to 1,000 MB/s. 

Amazon Deal of the Day storage sale

There are a lot of other good deals in there, too. If you don't require Samsung's extra security features and have a fast USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 port, SanDisk's 2TB Extreme Pro portable SSD ($270 instead of $362) delivers up to 2,000 MB/s read and write speeds, among the fastest of any external SSD. Another great pick is the WD_Black 12TB D10 Game Drive for Xbox or desktop PC storage with a fast 7,200 RPM spin rate, offering transfer rates up to 250 MB/s. It's now on sale for $220, a good $80 off the regular price.

If you need the same storage but not quite as much speed, WD's 12TB MyBook external hard drive is on offer for $190, 27 percent off the regular price. There are lots of other picks depending on your needs and budget, but you'll want to act quickly because the sale only lasts until the end of the day and some of the products mentioned will likely be snapped up well before that. 

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Article From & Read More ( Amazon's Deal of the Day cuts SSD and hard drive prices by up to 48 percent - Engadget )

Kuo: iPhone 13 Lineup to Feature Nearly Identical Wide Camera Lens as iPhone 12 - MacRumors

According to credible Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the iPhone 13 lineup, slated for launch in the second half of the year, will feature the same wide-angle lens as the current iPhone 12 series, offering no tangible improvements to one of the three lenses on the upcoming iPhone.


In an investors note obtained by MacRumors, focused mainly on developments and changes within Apple's supply chain, Kuo says the ‌iPhone 13‌ mini, ‌iPhone 13‌, and ‌iPhone 13‌ Pro will feature the same 7P wide-angle lens with a ƒ1.6 aperture as their respective ‌iPhone 12‌ counterparts. The larger ‌iPhone 13‌ Pro Max will have a ƒ1.5 aperture wide-angle lens, a marginal increase compared to the ƒ1.6 aperture on the iPhone 12 Pro Max.

Kuo states that Sunny Optical will be the new supplier for the 7P wide-angle lens, adding that mass production of the camera system could begin as soon as May. Looking more long-term, Kuo says that the demand for optical lenses for Apple devices will only significantly increase in the next few years thanks to AR and Apple Car.

We expect Sunny Optical to successfully pass the quality verification of the 7P wide-angle lens order for ‌iPhone 13‌. Because ‌iPhone 13‌ mini, 13, and 13 Pro share the same f1.6 7P wide-angle lens (vs. 13 Pro Max's f1.5 7P wide-angle lens), so Sunny Optical's order is the most in-demand. We estimate that Sunny Optical will ship the 7P wide-angle lens of the ‌iPhone 13‌ to LG Innotek as soon as May.

While the 2021 iPhones, according to Kuo, will not have a significantly different wide-angle lens, it is rumored to pack improvements to the ultra wide lens. According to Barclays analysts, all four ‌iPhone 13‌ models will include upgraded Ultra Wide lenses with a ƒ/1.8 aperture, vs. the ƒ/2.4 aperture on the ‌iPhone 12‌.

Aside from the camera lens, well-connected display analyst Ross Young has predicted that the camera sensor size of both the ‌‌iPhone 13‌‌ Pro and ‌‌iPhone 13‌‌ Pro Max will increase. Although Young doesn't state which of the three cameras will gain a larger sensor, a larger sensor would, in turn, have larger pixels. In other words, the sensor could collect more light, resulting in materially better image quality.

Earlier this month, Kuo reported that Apple plans to include a smaller notch and larger batteries for the entire ‌iPhone 13‌ lineup. Exclusive to the higher-end Pro and Pro Max models will be a ProMotion 120Hz display, according to the analyst.

Previously, Kuo has also said the ‌iPhone 12 Pro Max‌'s sensor-shift image stabilization will expand to the entire ‌iPhone 13‌ lineup.

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Article From & Read More ( Kuo: iPhone 13 Lineup to Feature Nearly Identical Wide Camera Lens as iPhone 12 - MacRumors )

Google Meet’s free ‘unlimited’ calls will continue until June - The Verge

Google will not introduce a 60 minute call limit on free Google Meet users at the end of March, the company announced in a tweet. Instead, it will now be begin on June 30th. Until then, anyone using the service’s free version will be able to host calls up to 24 hours in length, which Google refers to as “unlimited.”

This is the second time Google has pushed back the introduction of call limits since opening up the service to free users last April. A 60 minute limit had originally been due to come into effect at the end of September, but that deadline was later pushed back to March when it became clear that many of us wouldn’t be able to celebrate the holidays in person with our loved ones.

Google hasn’t explicitly said why it’s extending its deadline this time, but the continued pandemic restrictions in place around the world probably have something to do with it. I think I speak for everyone when I say I hope Google won’t have a reason to extend its deadline again come June.

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Article From & Read More ( Google Meet’s free ‘unlimited’ calls will continue until June - The Verge )

Apple 'Betrayed' My Trust, Says iPhone User Who Lost $1M To Scam Bitcoin App - Benzinga

An Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) smartphone user, Phillipe Christodoulou, lost over one million dollars worth of Bitcoin (BTC) after he downloaded an application from the iPhone’s App Store, the Washington Post reported Tuesday. 

What Happened: Christodoulou is angry at the Tim Cook-led company after losing 17.1 BTC to the fraudulent app, according to the Post. 

The iPhone user suffered a loss of nearly $1.01 million as per BTC's trading price of $59,194.26 at press time.

The bitcoins were reportedly lost after Christodoulou downloaded an app from the App store to check his bitcoin balance last month.

Christodoulou searched for “Trezor” in the App Store, which brought up a result that included a logo that bore resemblance to the one used by the namesake cryptocurrency hardware wallet maker, as per the Post.

After downloading the app from the App Store, which was rated five stars, he lost his life savings in less than a second.

Christodoulou expressed anger at the Cupertino, California-based iPhone maker. He said, “They betrayed the trust that I had in them.”

“Apple doesn’t deserve to get away with this.”

Why It Matters: An Apple spokesperson said that App Store is the “most secure app marketplace in the world,” reported the Post. 

“In the limited instances when criminals defraud our users, we take swift action against these actors as well as to prevent similar violations in the future,” said the spokesperson.

See Also: Best Cryptocurrency Wallets

Apple reportedly acknowledged other cryptocurrency scams on App Store but didn't reveal a number.

United Kingdom-based Coinfirm, a company that specializes in cryptocurrency regulations, said that fake apps on Apple and Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) (NASDAQ:GOOG) subsidiary Google’s app stores are common.

According to Coinfirm, five people have reported cryptocurrency stolen by the fake Trezor app on iOS worth a total of $1.6 million. On Android, the losses totaled $600,000 in cryptocurrency. 

Trezor itself does not have a mobile application. A company spokesperson said it had been informing Apple and Google for years about fake apps posing as its product, reported the Post.

This month, a cryptocurrency user was defrauded of 10 BTC, now worth nearly $591,000 after he fell victim to a scammer pretending to be Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA). 

Price Action: Apple shares closed 1.23% lower at $119.90 on Tuesday.

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Article From & Read More ( Apple 'Betrayed' My Trust, Says iPhone User Who Lost $1M To Scam Bitcoin App - Benzinga )


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